What is a Turkey Neck?
Sagging skin around the jawline and creating an unpleasant appearance on your face is a phenomenon that starts with a little softness under your chin and turns into a full-fledged pout or so-called turkey neck.
Plastic surgeon Dr. Martin Newman says the problem known as “turkey neck” is a problem with the skin of the neck, the underlying fat or muscle of the neck, or a combination of the three. It’s often a sign of aging, but younger people can also have it. to experience Depending on the cause and the type of results you want, there are many surgical and non-surgical ways to improve or get rid of it.
Turkey neck
“Turkey neck” may not be an official medical term, but people understand it easily when they hear it. “Patients are dissatisfied with the appearance or front view of their face due to excess skin, soft tissue, and loose neck muscles,” says Dr. Newman. These neck problems can affect the angle of your jaw, the angle formed where your lower jaw meets your neck. As a result, your neck looks shorter and less elongated.
What causes turkey neck?
Dr. Newman says these six factors can cause turkey neck:
• Aging: Your skin naturally loses its elasticity as you age. “Gravity affects your cheeks and causes them to droop,” explains Dr. Newman. Your cheek skin will then gather under your jawline and neck.
• Weight: Gaining weight can cause excess fat to accumulate around the neck.
• Genetics: Dr. Newman says, “I always hear ‘I have my mother’s neck’ or ‘my father’s jaw.’ Your inherited bone structure or anatomy affects whether you have excess neck tissue or are prone to accumulating excess fat around your neck.
• Lifestyle factors: Environmental toxins, smoking, sun damage, and poor diet can affect skin elasticity.
• Medications: Some medications can cause weight gain or more fat in certain body areas, including the neck. “There’s a phenomenon called HIV lipodystrophy, where some anti-HIV drugs cause fat to build up in your neck and other areas of your body,” says Dr. Newman. Steroid drugs can also make your face rounder and increase neck fat.
• Weak neck muscles: You have two platysma muscles in the front of your neck. Dr. Newman explains that these muscles can weaken or separate over time, affecting the appearance of your neck.
Facelift with Botox injection
How can turkey neck be treated?
Choosing an effective treatment for turkey neck depends on the cause and your goals. Fortunately, there are many treatment options that we’ll explore below.
Weight Loss
As you lose weight, you will quickly notice a change in the neck appearance, but not always, since it depends on the nature and quality of your skin.
“If you’re young and have healthy skin, your skin may shrink on its own after you lose weight,” says Dr. Newman. But if you are older or smoke and your skin has wrinkles and has lost a lot of elasticity, you may not see much improvement even after losing weight.
Non-surgical treatments for turkey neck
Many minimally invasive products and procedures can help improve skin elasticity and improve the appearance of neck fat, including:
• Neck creams and lotions can minimize collagen loss and tighten your skin.
• Laser skin resurfacing uses heat to rejuvenate your skin.
• Ultratherapy uses focused ultrasound to lift and tighten your skin.
• Microneedling uses tiny needles to stimulate your skin to repair itself.
• Radio Frequency Microneedling uses radio frequency energy to help your skin grow collagen and tighten.
Nonsurgical treatment at Irsa clinic
Read more: Fotona Laser
Other stronger options include:
• Deoxycholic acid or Kybella® injection, which helps dissolve neck fat.
• Non-surgical fat freezing and body sculpting, such as CoolSculpting®, and devices that use laser, radio frequency, or ultrasound energy to destroy fat cells.
To improve the quality and consistency of your lower neck muscles, you can try:
• Turkey neck exercises: Daily neck exercises can strengthen the neck muscles, which may help improve the appearance of your neck. Ask a dermatologist for ideas on exercises you can try.
• Botox treatment for Turkey Neck: Vertical bands can appear on your neck, as the platysma muscles weaken, Dr. Newman explains, “The muscles get tighter and bigger over time. The use of Botox (botulinum toxin) helps to reduce them and can be very effective. However, before injecting Botox into your neck bands, be sure to ask your plastic surgeon about the indications for the drug (whether it is safe for you and recommended).
• But buyer beware: “The brochures for many non-surgical treatments often promise great results, but they often offer subtle changes, and it usually takes several sessions to achieve the desired results,” warns Dr. Newman.
While these procedures can improve the nature and quality of your skin, they are not particularly useful compared to turkey neck surgery, he continues.
Facelift and neck lift
Surgeries that treat turkey neck include facelift (rhytidectomy) and neck lift. During these procedures, plastic surgeons remove excess skin and fat from the face or neck while tightening the remaining skin, muscle, and tissue.
He adds that while surgery has more risks and recovery time than non-surgical treatments, you get better results. By surgery, we remove excess skin and fat (and tighten muscles if needed), and you get immediate results and definitive treatment.
Other turkey neck surgeries
Liposuction is another effective way to treat turkey neck. Other surgeries that also treat bone structure problems, such as misaligned jaws and teeth, can also be beneficial. “While these procedures are less commonly performed for cosmetic reasons, they can ultimately improve the appearance of your neck, depending on the type of problem,” notes Dr. Newman.
Don’t forget that the path you choose for treatment is up to you, but meeting with a reputable plastic surgeon or an experienced cosmetic doctor is the first step.
Visit a dermatologist
It is recommended to consult a skin and hair specialist. They can introduce you to specific tips and products to solve this problem.
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