When Can We Get a new tattoo after having one removed?
Today, amazing advances in laser tattoo removal have made tattoos less permanent than commonly thought. Since laser tattoo removal methods are highly successful in completely removing a tattoo, re-tattooing is always tempting. Here’s everything you need to know about getting a new tattoo after having one removed.
Is it possible to get a tattoo after a tattoo removal laser?
In most cases, yes, you can get a new tattoo over a removed one. However, you should consider time to have a better and safer result from your second tattoo. After getting a new tattoo, the skin needs time to heal, and the process also applies to laser tattoo removal.
What is a tattoo removal laser?
Tattoo removal laser uses light and heat energy to dissolve the ink pigment in the skin cells. A focused beam of light emitted from the device passes through the skin surface to target the ink particles, which are then converted into heat energy and disintegrated by its intensity. The body recognizes the pieces of foreign ink present and removes them from the lymphatic immune system.
How long should I wait to get a new tattoo after removing the old tattoo with a laser?
Laser tattoo removal is a gradual process, and the length of time and number of sessions required to remove the tattoo depends on various factors such as the size, color, density, and type of ink used for the tattoo.
Therefore, before tattooing on an old tattoo, it is necessary to complete the recommended number of sessions to remove the old tattoo and wait between 6 and 8 weeks after finishing the sessions.
Recovery time can also vary, and it’s often better to wait even longer to ensure the skin healing. Removing a tattoo with a Q-switch laser is the most advanced tattoo removal method available at Irsa Dermatology and Hair Transplant Clinic in Iran and we can remove a tattoo in half the time compared to traditional laser methods.
What are the risks of getting a new tattoo after having one removed?
The only complication of tattooing on old tattoos is the spread of scar tissue. While scarring from laser tattoo removal is uncommon, it can occur and is a rare side effect. The scar tissue left over from the old tattoo prevents the ink of the new tattoo from sitting properly on the skin and can affect the appearance of the new design.
Before any types of laser treatment, the doctor or tattoo removal technician will take a general test of your skin to Check whether this tattoo removal method is suitable for your skin condition. They will also outline your treatment plan, including dermatologist advice before and after tattoo removal treatment.
Is it possible to get a tattoo after a hair removal laser?
The short answer is yes because hair removal laser improves the final result of your tattoo. After all, your skin will be smooth and hair-free for a long time.
Hair removal laser and tattoo removal treatments follow similar procedures, in that they both use light and heat energy to target pigment in the skin, but each treatment will differ by targeting existing hair follicles or pigment in the ink.
Hair removal laser treatments work to target hair follicles during the most active phase of hair growth and require multiple sessions to ensure that the laser permanently disrupts the hair growth environment.
Like hair removal laser treatment, tattoo removal laser also requires several sessions, but you can get the new tattoo 6 weeks after completing the treatment sessions to remove the old tattoo.
How to get rid of unwanted hair before Tattoo
Alexandrite laser
Summary of key points about getting a new tattoo
• You can tattoo on already tattooed skin.
• Before tattooing, get a hair removal laser so it can help improve the final result.
• Advances in laser treatments mean that Tattoos can be removed by Q-Switch laser faster than traditional methods.
We offer a specialized treatment package for tattoo removal laser treatment for clients which includes a range of high-quality brands and skin care products to help minimize irritation, prevent dehydration, soothe and deeply protect the tattooed skin.
Visit a dermatologist
It is recommended to consult a skin and hair specialist. They can introduce you to specific tips and products to solve this problem.
Get your free consultation with Irsa team right here
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Email: irsaarabic@gmail.com
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