Swimming Pool Diseases
Skin and non-skin diseases caused by swimming in the pool
Swimming pool waters, although they may appear clean and clear, may provide the best environment for the growth of certain pathogens. In the following, we discuss some diseases related to swimming in the pool and ways to prevent them.
1. Flu or cold in water
Symptoms of this disease include sore throat, fatigue, fever, cough and sometimes vomiting. Influenza and rhinoviruses may be transmitted through pool water.
• Symptoms: sore throat, fatigue, fever, cough and sometimes vomiting.
• Cause: Influenza and rhinovirus that are in the pool water.
• Prevention: use of clean pools and use of pool water salinity.
2. Bacteria and parasites
Some bacteria, such as Legionella, which causes legionella, a type of pneumonia, can be present in pool water. Also, parasites such as cryptosporidium may be transmitted to the human body through water.
• Symptoms: digestive disorders, inflammatory symptoms.
• Cause: Legionella bacteria, parasites like Cryptosporidium.
• Prevention: using disinfectants to kill bacteria.
3. Athlete’s Foot infections:
Fungi, the main cause of scabies, can be transferred to human skin through pool floors and water-related surfaces.
• Symptoms: itching, redness, secretions.
• Cause: fungi.
• Prevention: use of floor covering, careful washing of feet, and use of suitable swimwear.
4. Herpes and other viruses
Herpes viruses and some other viruses may also exist in pool water and be transmitted to people through contact with human skin and mucus.
• Symptoms: Regardless of the location of herpes, people experience two stages of herpes. The first stage of herpes usually causes the most severe symptoms such as blisters, sores, swollen lymph nodes, flu-like symptoms, joint pain, fever and headache. Symptoms of primary infection are usually more severe in women and usually resolve within a few weeks.
• Cause: herpes viruses, other factors such as molecular viruses.
• Prevention: use of swimwear, keeping hands and face clean.
5. Inflammation of the ear and throat
Symptoms of this disease include sore throat, fatigue, fever, cough and sometimes vomiting. Influenza and rhinoviruses may be transmitted through pool water.
• Symptoms: sore throat, fatigue, fever, cough and sometimes vomiting.
• Cause: Influenza and rhinovirus that are in the pool water.
• Prevention: use of clean pools and use of pool water salinity.
6. Eye inflammation
Chemicals in pool water can cause eye inflammation.
• Symptoms: itchy eyes, discharge.
• Cause: Chemicals in water.
• Prevention: use of swimming goggles.
7. Pseudomonas dermatitis:
It is called inflammation of the skin, which can lead to itching, redness, swelling, peeling, and other symptoms.
• Symptoms: redness and skin blisters.
• Cause: Podomonas bacteria.
• Prevention: careful bathing after swimming, use of salt water.
8. Bladder inflammation (Cystitis):
Bladder infection and inflammation in the bladder are due to the replacement and growth of the pathogenic agent in it causing infection.
• Symptoms: pain and burning in urination, frequent urination
• Cause: Bacteria can be acquired through pool water.
• Prevention: Urinating immediately after swimming.
9. Allergy to chlorine
• Symptoms: dry skin, eye irritation.
• Cause: use of chlorine in pool water.
• Prevention: use of swimwear and use of lotions to moisturize the skin.
10. Legionella (Legionella):
It is a type of pneumonia (pneumonia) that is caused by aerobic Gram-negative bacteria from the genus Legionella, especially Legionella pneumophila. The clinical symptoms of infection with other species are mild and similar to influenza, but acute pneumothorax occurs in Pneumophila species.
• Symptoms: fever, cough, heartache.
• Cause: Legionella bacteria.
• Prevention: maintaining the pool water filtration system.
If you experience symptoms from swimming in the pool, be sure to see a doctor so that the symptoms do not get worse, especially if you feel you have skin eczema or vaginal infections.
Important points to follow to maintain your health after swimming
It is always recommended that people consider personal hygiene as the first preventive measure. It is also very important to use clean and well-maintained swimming pools. To avoid problems and keep yourself and others healthy while swimming, consider the following:
• Use of appropriate clothing: Use clean and appropriate swimwear to prevent germs from entering the body.
• Using sunscreen spray: If you use outdoor pools, apply sunscreen spray to your skin to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.
• Stop swimming if you are sick: If you feel you have a communicable disease, stop swimming to avoid spreading the disease to others.
• Using the restroom: Before entering the pool, use the restroom to reduce possible germs entering the pool in urine or feces.
• Setting the right time for rest: during swimming, take short breaks and take advantage of this opportunity to dry your body and drink water.
• Changing clothes: After swimming, change your swimming clothes immediately to avoid colds and skin allergies, and other possible problems.
• Showering immediately after leaving the pool: be sure to wash your body with fresh water immediately after leaving the pool and clean it of chemicals and bacteria. Also, wash your hair with the right shampoo.
• Dry your body well: use your towels thoroughly and dry your body. Pay special attention to the middle areas between the toes and feet.
• Use of lotion: in order to moisturize the skin and prevent skin dryness and other skin problems, do these actions. You can also use your hair moisturizers to prevent hair dryness and the effect of salt water and chlorine on hair strands.
Pool water tests: Make sure the pool is periodically checked by an inspector and water tests. Preferably, use salty water for swimming, which often has less bacteria, of course, the saltiness of the water is the reason to pay more attention to your skin and hair after leaving the pool.
• Not using the swimming pool in certain conditions: in case of heavy rain or lightning, do not use the open swimming pool to avoid electrical hazards.
• Safety compliance: follow the pool safety rules and use safety equipment such as protective equipment if needed.
• Do not drink pool water: Avoid drinking pool water as much as possible.
• Avoid touching your eyes: After using the pool, do not touch your eyes to prevent the transfer of bacteria to the eyes.
• Healthy eating: consuming healthy foods and improving your immune system, help fight disease-causing agents from the inside out.
These measures are highly recommended to help keep you and other people in the pool safe.
Visit a dermatologist
If the problem is severe, it is recommended to consult a skin and hair specialist. They can introduce you to specific tips and products to solve this problem.
Get your free consultation with Irsa team right here
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Email: irsaarabic@gmail.com
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