What is hair PRP?

The word PRP stands for PLASMA RICH PLATELET. PRP is a 100% natural method that uses the patient’s blood components to stimulate and regenerate damaged tissues in the face, neck, head, chest, hands, and body.

There are several components in the blood, the most important of which are red and white blood cells, and platelets. Platelets are one of the most important sources of cell growth factors in the body. Platelets contain proteins and important growth factors that are very effective in repairing. Platelets are blood cells that help regenerate tissues and grow new cells.

PRP at Irsa clinic in Shiraz injected into specific areas of the scalp acts as a stimulant, promoting collagen growth, tissue regeneration, and repair, making the skin firm. In this process, cell proliferation cell regeneration, and rejuvenation are accelerated, and at older ages, it increases the freshness of the skin.

Who are the best candidates for PRP in Iran?

The PRP hair treatment method in Iran is used to treat androgenetic alopecia, or hereditary baldness, which is seen in both men and women with different patterns.

PRP experts believe that this method can also be used to treat thinning hair in women with alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is caused by severe hair pulling to tie it or braid hair and other hairstyles that require hair pulling.

Research has shown that the best candidates for PRP are people who have recently had hair loss. This method is not effective for people who are completely bald and does not cause hair regrowth in people who have lost all their hair.

Who should not have PRP hair treatment in Iran?

Although the PRP method strengthens natural and grafted hair, it cannot be used for everyone. People with active scalp infections, as well as people with a history of viral infections such as shingles, diabetes, any blood clotting disorder, or patients taking anticoagulants such as aspirin, or medications They use immunosuppressants such as cyclosporine, cannot use this method.

So, in general, if you have any of the following diseases and disorders, it is better not to have hair PRP until the end of the treatment process:

  • Skin and systemic cancers and low platelet count
  • Chronic skin diseases, chronic liver disease, untreated diabetes, and AIDS
  • Blood diseases and coagulation disorders, thyroid disease
  • Anticoagulants
  • During treatment with steroids and chemotherapy
  • Chronic or acute infection and systemic disorder
  • Platelet dysfunction syndrome, inflammatory response syndrome


Benefits of PRP hair treatment method in Iran

  • In some cases, this method has a preventive mode that using the PRP method, the patient will not need a hair transplant and his existing hair will be strengthened.
  • Concentrated platelet growth factors have a great effect on the growth of new hair and the thickening of old hair.
  • This method thickens the hair and thus strengthens the hair that has grown as a result of transplantation.
  • Platelet-rich plasma is injected into the donor area in different hair transplantation methods, which speeds up wound healing.

Other Benefits of PRP for Hair Loss in Iran

  • Safe and secure results.
  • Fast recovery period
  • Natural results
  • A simple and non-surgical method
  • It has no side effects, infection, or allergies since the patient`s blood is used
  • This treatment is almost painless. The low or high amount of injection is not dangerous, it has a longer effect and duration
  • It costs less than similar methods.
  • It is effective in both women and men and has no age or sex restrictions.
  • hair PRP injection will prevent and treat hair loss
  • Hair PRP stimulates and rejuvenates scalp cells and is used to grow hair follicles
  • Hair PRP is used to stimulate and accelerate hair growth in Alopecia areata
  • PRP is a proper option for people who cannot have hair transplantation and also for people who have few hairs and hair transplantation is not a good option for them
  • PRP injection in the hair transplantation area is useful to reduce bleeding, and bruising of the head, accelerate the healing process after hair transplantation, and reduce the risk of hair loss due to shock and stress, and the patient achieves better results within a shorter time after hair transplantation.

    Hair PRP cost in Iran

    Hair PRP at Irsa clinic in Shiraz cost depends on the method that dermatologist recommends according to the type of hair loss and getting the result. You may need several sessions once a month to get final result and treat the hair loss. The approximate hair PRP at Irsa clinic cost about 150$ to 250$ depends on the method..

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Email: irsaarabic@gmail.com



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